If you find any issues / have any comment, please contact kg@ebrains.eu to give us your feedback!

Setting up the development environment
To set up the development environment, you need to have the following elements:
- An elasticsearch instance (running either on your local machine, on a server of your choice - maybe with SSH port-forwarding)
- A development environment for Java (Spring Boot) and JavaScript (React)
Running the services
The services are located at service/services
. You can find two different maven projects you should be able to integrate
into your IDE. Additionally, there is a kg-common
library in the service/libs
directory. The two main projects are
stand-alone Spring Boot services and therefore can run alongside each other.
Please note, that - depending on what you want to do - you don't need both services to be running. If you want to work on the UI, it is often enough to only run the kg-search service (unless you want to improve / debug the actual indexing process).
Running the UI
To run the UI, you can simply execute
npm install
npm run start
to launch the UI in a development server. If you want to update the configuration (e.g. different server endpoint) please have
a look at the setupProxy.js
in the src